Wednesday, May 14, 2008

something about palestine

huhuhu..kesibukan membuat persediaan utk peperiksaan yang sedang berlangsung membuat sy berhenti mengupdate kan diri sy akan peristiwa2 yg sdg berlaku di sekeliling...hari ini..tergerak utk sy mengexplore perkara baru di dunia tanpa sempadan ini..terkejut sy setelah membaca beberapa entry bloggers yg sy kenali ttg palestine day pada 15 may ini..sekali lag sy 'surprise' bila melihat sudah 60 tahun pelstine sengsara...terdetik rs kesal keseronokan yg sy alami kini hanya di alami sendirian tanpa mengambil kira sahabat2 seislam lain yg sdg merana dan hampir setiap hari berjuang semata-mata mahu menegakkan agama Islam...bersyukur juga ke hadrat ilahi apabila sy di beri nikmat yg tidak terhingga hidup di bumi Malaysia ini yg masih aman dan sentosa ini..tetapi, kesal amat menyelubungi diri bilamana sy hanya mampu berdoa utk mereka tanpa mampu berbuat apa2..

melihatkan raut wajah kanak-kanak kecil ini yang sudah jinak dgn bunyi bom diwaktu lena tidurnya, di waktu menikmati hidangan mkn mlm nya membuatkan hati ini terlalu sayu...hanya doa sy yang mampu mengiringi setiap perjuangan mereka menegakkan Islam di bumi Palestine..InsyaAllah...

Dear all,

May 15th of this year is the 60th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba –which marked the beginning of the modern age Palestinian plight and suffering. This date is remembered annually on local, regional, and global levels.

I am certain that many in the blogosphere will dedicate some posts to commemorate this tragic event. However, inspired by the success of the “Blog About Jordan Day” initiative, i would like to start a formal initiative to encourage everybody to dedicate one post on Thursday, May 15th, to talk about Palestine or the Palestinian Experience.

There are no restrictions on what you can write, or the language that you can use. Really, anything that talks about Palestine, or the Palestinians; in the past, present, or future; political, social, economical, or any other aspect is welcomed. The goal of this event will be to share thoughts, and raise awareness about the Palestinian situation. Hopefully, with everyone’s support, this will be such a spectacular event that it will catch the eye of the mainstream media (specially that the Palestinian situation is inadequately and incorrectly represented in most of the western media outlets).

Blog About Palestine Day


Anonymous said...

gud one.thanks for taking a minute to write something about palestine.

byk lagi kena buat,kena usaha,kena doa.

gud luck for ur exam

ainies said...

thanks abg cord~insyaAllah ain try beristiqamah!!